Title: Portosal. Exploitation of the antitumour capacity of Agaricus brunnescens as nutraceuticals and new medicines

Associates: ASOCHAMP-CTICH (Coordinator), Center for Biomedical Research of La Rioja (CIBIR)

Call: ADER

Schedule: 2017 – 2021

Abstract: Identification of the bioactive compounds causing the anti-cancer effect, through in vitro and in vivo tests with animal models. As final objective, the search for the anti-cancer compound causing the anti-tumor effect of the mushroom is proposed. Once as its structure is found, its chemical synthesis or its extraction directly from the fruiting bodies of the mushroom will be considered. Likewise, we will try to identify the mechanisms of action involved.

The present project aims to consolidate the collaboration between CIBIR and CTICH in the fight against cancer, which has proved to be a success in therms of results during these years of collaboration in the identification of mushrooms with anti-cancer capacity.

Results: Ongoing project.